Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cooking with the Teachers

Every week I have a Teachers' Class where we learn and practice English.  After the failure of last week's class (which I thought was going to go over really well...) I almost broke down in tears.  I pleaded to my co-teacher for help and ideas about what to do.  "How about a cooking project?" she suggested.  Ok, I thought.  Maybe I can think of something.  

Last week was Passover and although I can't say I celebrated the holiday in any way, I did pay homage today through my cultural cooking class.  Yes, we made Charoset!  It was a huuuuge success and all of the teachers loved it.  I even heard that one teacher said she wanted to make it at home for her children!  

So for those of you not in the know, here is how you make Charoset:


 1.  lay out all of the ingredients.  I wasn't able to find my typical ingredients like figs and apricots (the teachers had never even heard of these delicious fruits!) so instead I substituted what I could find in the local grocery store -- which is not to say that the food is local to the area.  It surely was not.  

 2. Chop and dice the apples.  (New   vocabulary included cutting board, chop, dice, mince, and peel)

3.  Mix all the ingredients together in an airtight container. 
4.  Enjoy! 



  1. Were you able to explain any of the significance of the menu choice?

  2. Yes I did. I explained all parts of a seder and we listened to traditional music as well as Manishtanah, Dayenu and Hava Nagila.

  3. so cute.... I can imagine little Korean ladies singing, "dayenu"

  4. What a great activity! Looks like the food was delicious and everyone had fun.
