Monday, March 22, 2010

Snow. Still.

The way I feel about snow is as follows: 

  • November - exciting
  • December - romantic
  • January - expected
  • February - tiring
  • March - uncool.  

That's right.  I said it.  It's uncool to snow in March, especially after the 21st which is the first day of Spring (according to US folklore).  Today, I'll have you know, is the  22nd and therefore it is unacceptable that there be snow anywhere in sight.  

But since there is, I took a few pictures.  It is with utter disgrace that I show these to you.  Spring, you better come soon.  My patience is wearing thin.  

the view from my window

Looking down at the street


  1. I love that new counter - people from 12 countries read your blog! Wow.

  2. Make that 16 countries!

  3. Thank you for your guidance and support.You’re the sweetest! Thank you for everything you do!
