But there is good news yet:
- I am slowly learning how to read Korean. This weekend I was told that I could read better after a week of practicing than many people who have been here for a whole year. Someone asked me "How many hours a day do you practice Korean?" and I responded, "Uh, 5-10 minutes?" And he was duly impressed.
- I am making friends. I can't say that I have "good" friends yet, but that sort of thing takes time. But I went out to Seoul this weekend with some people I'll call The Hagwan (private school) Kids and I have plans to go out for dinner with Ann on Wednesday.
So read the language? Check.
Make friends? Check
Speak the language? Well, not so much. But in due time, I'm sure.
As for school:
Well my first week came and went and now I'm on to Week 2. Things are going fine. I still can't decide if I actually like teaching or not. I love being a nanny and I love tutoring. Theme here: few kids = good // many kids = not good.
There are about 40 kids per class.
I teach 22 classes per week.
This means over 800 students. A LOT of students.
I'll upload more pictures soon but my internet has been so spotty I figured it was better to send this off into cyberspace now and do the pic thing later.
Are you able to get internet and pay for it? I'd say it is a necessity at this point.I am super impressed that you're starting to read the language! AWESOME! Thinking of you!