Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Health? Check.

I got the results back from my health check today.

I was really worried (as some of you know about) but last night I had all these dreams that I was going to be ok. I found it odd because usually when a person is worrying about something they are worrying about failure of some kind, but all my dreams were about how I was going to be ok. I woke up this morning and thought to myself "how odd that my dreams said I was going to be ok." Usually my dreams are just worry after worry. And you know what? I was.

My results from my health check show the following:

Height: 166cm
Weight: 66kg (I could stand to lose some weight, but at least I'm "normal")
Blood Pressure: 110/68 (very healthy)

Eye sight: Left 1.5, Right 1.2 (but with contacts on)
Hearing: Left 25, Right 25 (normal)

Hemoglobin: 13.6 g/dl
Glucose: 87 mg/dl
Cholesterol: 144 mg/dl

Sgot: 16 iu/l
Sgpt: 7 iu/l
r-gpt 18 iu/l

Phew, I get to stay in Korea for a year now. Holy crap. I'm going to be here for a year... Sometimes it still has not hit me that I am living here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,
    Nice health check; I am glad that you feel healthy, and are! It seems to me that you have already been in Korea for a year. You are to be admired for what I would call your "pluck!" Transplanting oneself into a foreign world is not easily done, and when you can't even read the signs on the streets, even more daunting. I am encouraged by the faciliy with which you get engaged with other people there-OK, some are jerks, but maybe it was a bad day fore them- and find ways to hook up and meet new "foreigners," and Koreans too? With love, Your Dad
